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Brenda's Books:
Here is a full list of all of the books written by Brenda Guiberson. Click on a thumbnail or title to find out more about a particular book, including summaries, reviews and other information.
Yours 'Til Niagara Falls
Mysterious Cases of People Gone Missing Through the Centuries
When I Was a Turkey
The Deadliest Creature in the World
Feathered Dinosaurs
The Most Amazing Creature in the Sea
The Greatest Dinosaur Ever
Frog Song
Mummy Mysteries
Moon Bear
Earth: Feeling The Heat
Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes Through the Centuries
Life In The Boreal Forest
Ice Bears
Mud City: A Flamingo Story
Rain, Rain, Rain Forest
Ocean Life
The Emperor Lays an Egg
Tales of the Haunted Deep
Exotic Species: Invaders in Paradise
Mummy Mysteries: Tales from North America
Teddy Roosevelt's Elk
Into the Sea
Lighthouses: Watchers at Sea
Winter Wheat
Spotted Owl: Bird of the Ancient Forest
Salmon Story
Lobster Boat
Spoonbill Swamp
Cactus Hotel
Instant Soup
Turtle People
Copyright © Brenda Z. Guiberson, 2004-Present
Contact Brenda
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