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The Emperor Lays an Egg
Written by Brenda Z. Guiberson Illustrated by Joan Paley Henry Holt, 2001
When the short summer comes to Antarctica, the fluffy gray chick grows a shiny coat of black and white feathers. The young penguin is ready for its first swim. Soon it will
fatten up for winter, the long icy season when the emperor penguin starts its family.
Borrowing with great success from the techniques of fiction, Guiberson relates the amazing saga of Antarctica's emperor penguins laying and
hatching their eggs, and then struggling to raise their young in one of our planet's most unforgiving climates--"the coldest, windiest, driest
place on Earth." --Children's Literature
Educational information is presented informally and successfully blends with the storylike tone of the book. As the catchy title indicates,
Guiberson's book is sure to delight readers. By describing the life cycle of the emperor penguin and the unusually harsh Antarctic climate,
the author introduces young readers to the wonderful diversity of the Earth's habitats.
Well-researched and well organized, most pages utilize onomatopoeia that is sure to be enjoyed by young readers who can mimic the sounds
created by these phrases ("Whoosh... whish," Shuffle, shuffle," "Gurgle, swish")... By describing the life cycle of the emperor penguin
and the unusually harsh Antarctic climate, the author introduces young readers to the wonderful diversity of the Earth's habitats.--School Library Journal Star
(The author) creates memorable images through straightforward presentation of the material to bring the story to life: for instance,
"It is such a strong instinct that one emperor who doesn't have an egg shuffles around with a chunk of ice about the size of a softball."
Guiberson packs a great deal of factual information into this well-paced story... focusing on the remarkable ways in which the penguins tend
their eggs through the harsh Antarctic winters... an attractive choice for story hour if not a primary resource on the science shelf.
Copyright © Brenda Z. Guiberson, 2004-Present | Contact Brenda | Site/Art Credits |