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Mummy Mysteries: Tales from North America
Written and Illustrated by Brenda Z. Guiberson Henry Holt, 1998
Finally in 1981 a group of scientists exhumes the mummified bodies of three of the ships' sailors. At last the mystery can be solved.
Mummies can tell us lots of things: how a person lived, what the environment was like, information about a particular culture. Sometimes they offer clues to bizarre mysteries or they can
even become mysteries themselves.
Guiberson writes an intriguing book for young readers who are just beginning to ask serious questions about how mummies have been preserved
and how they are discovered. Each informative chapter is related to a specific find and the research involved in identifying the mummy. The
author's pencil illustrations add a journalistic quality. An excellent bibliography of up-to-date literature adds a great resource for further
reading.--American Booksellers Association Kid's Pick
For readers who like mysteries that unravel slowly, this book will be a joy. Guiberson focuses on mummies found in North America... a frozen
blue bison found in Alaska... Anasazi... the Franklin Arctic Expedition. And then there was the unexpected mummy that fell out of
the rafters during a filming of the Six Million Dollar Man, which turned out to be the remains of an outlaw named Elmer McCurdy.--School Library Journal
Did you know North America has its own cavalcade of mummified characters? (Guiberson) writes about half a dozen of them in this fun
and factual Redfeather Chapter Book. Overflowing with great pictures, puzzles and illustrations, this eye opener examines both mummified
people and animals (the chapter on Blue Babe was especially awesome).--Archaeological Institute of America
Awards & Accolades
* Parents' Choice
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